Here are descriptions, titles and health testing of current and past Chicora Ridgeback family/pack members.
Cora (retired)

Cora is my once-in-a-lifetime dog and kennel namesake. There will never be another that comes close to having the bond that we have had over the years. She was CHIC certified, and is retired now after her two litters. She knows most of the English language, or at least it seems that she does. It’s not uncommon for me to have to spell out certain words she knows in order to throw her off the trail of upcoming plans or events. She has a goofy, lighthearted and energetic personality, especially around friends and family. She lives for car rides, and is often my shadow everywhere I go. Cora has amazing endurance and heart for whatever we’re doing together.


Harper is a red wheaten bitch directly from European multi champion lines and famous South African lineage. Both of her parents are health tested, titled, multi national championed dogs. Harper is one of the goofiest, least serious, social and most confident and outgoing ridgebacks I’ve known.
She loves car rides. Harper has no concept of how large she is, so respect of personal space means very little to her. Harper doesn’t have the liver gene, and when paired with a male with with the liver gene they will not produce livernosed offspring. Harper has had the following genetic and/or other health checks:
-OFA cardiac – clear
-OFA patella – clear
-OFA elbow – normal
-OFA hip – good
-OFA thyroid – normal
-Degenerative myelopathy (DM) – not a carrier
-Hemophilia B (Rhodesian Ridgeback type) – clear
-Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy (Rhodesian Ridgeback type) – clear
-Canine brucellosis, Brucella canis (B. canis) – clear
-D locus: D/D blue, not a carrier
-B locus: B/B liver gene, not a carrier
Her parents are cleared as well.

Harper’s parents’ info:

-HD, ED, OCD free
-Ridge gene R/r (heterozygote)
-Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy (JME)-free
-Degenerative Myelopathy (DM) free
-Factor IX Deficiency (Hemophilia-B) free
-Hyperuricosuria, (HUU) free
-The D Locus (Dilute) coat color test: D/D (does not result in the “dilution” or lightening of the black and yellow/red pigments that produce the dog’s coat color)
-Rhodesian Ridgeback Deafness: CLEAR

-HD, ED, OCD free
-Ridge gene R/r (heterozygote)
-Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy (JME) free
-Degenerative Myelopathy (DM) free
-Factor IX Deficiency (Hemophilia-B) free
-Hyperuricosuria, (HUU) free
-The D Locus (Dilute) coat color test: D/D (does not result in the “dilution” or lightening of the black and yellow/red pigments that produce the dog’s coat color)
-Rhodesian Ridgeback Deafness: CLEAR

Kimber is a constant ray of sunshine — so cheerful and happy all the time, but reserved and aloof with strangers in true ridgeback fashion. She is submissive in nature, and very nose-driven. Her offspring would excel in scent sports and search and rescue. She enjoys car rides and one-on-one time with her people. Her dad comes directly from a well known line/kennel of South Africa dogs, and her mother’s pedigree is from common American lines, including titled/champion bred dogs. Kimber weighs the true standard 70lbs., and is 26″. Kimber doesn’t have the liver gene, and when paired with a male with the liver gene they will not produce livernosed offspring. Kimber has had the following genetic and/or other health checks:
-OFA cardiac – clear
-OFA patella – clear
-OFA elbow – normal
-OFA hip – good
-OFA thyroid – normal
-Degenerative myelopathy (DM) – not a carrier
-Canine brucellosis, Brucella canis (B. canis) – clear
-D locus: D/D blue, not a carrier
-B locus: B/B liver gene, not a carrier


Piper is a rich red wheaten bitch out of Zealand and Kimber. We are screening on an open basis a potential future garudian/retirement home for her. Please see the “Available” page for more info. Piper is wicked smart, lean (about 75 lbs. of pure muscle), athletic and feminine in appearance–reminds me a lot of Skye (although no relation). She is bossy (bitchy) in a new pack, but at the bottom of the pecking order in our own pack. I expect she will excel in lure coursing if we have time to get out on the field, but her true strength is in scent work. Piper has had the following genetic and/or other health checks:
-OFA cardiac – clear
-OFA patella – clear
-OFA elbow – normal
-OFA hip – good
-OFA thyroid – normal
-Degenerative myelopathy (DM) – not a carrier
-Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy (Rhodesian Ridgeback type) – clear
-Hemophilia B (Rhodesian Ridgeback type) – clear
-Exercise-Induced Collapse (EIC) – clear
-Early Onset Adult Deafness (EOAD) – clear
-D locus: D/D blue, not a carrier
-B locus: B/B liver gene, not a carrier

Zealand — Both of his parents are health tested, titled, multi national championed dogs. I’ve done a great deal of research and planning to prepare for his arrival and addition to my breeding program. He’s a special dog.
Zealand is a loving and affectionate boy. He has a calm and loyal disposition (unless he knows we’re going for a walk or run, or it’s dinner time–then he’s a wild man). He easily gets motion sickness (likely genetic), so car rides are not his favorite activity. He absolutely loves to swim; although, he’s not very good at it. He’s protective of his pack and me, but he is well-behaved and even-tempered. His father is temperament tested, and that was an important deciding factor when researching him as a future stud. Zealand has a liver gene, and when paired with a female with the liver gene they are likely to produce livernosed offspring.

Zealand is standing at stud to approved Rhodesian Ridgeback bitches only. To inquire, please send me an email with your bitch’s pedigree and health testing and explain your goals for breeding. Do not contact me if your bitch has no health testing or isn’t AKC registered (full).
Zealand has had the following genetic and/or other health checks:
-OFA cardiac – clear
-OFA patella – clear
-OFA elbow – normal
-OFA hip – good
-Degenerative myelopathy (DM) – not a carrier
-Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy (RR type) – clear
-Hemophilia B (Rhodesian Ridgeback type) – clear
-Canine brucellosis, Brucella canis (B. canis) – clear
-D locus: D/D blue, not a carrier
-B locus: B/b liver gene, carrier

Skye (retired)

A bitch of a rich and deep red wheaten color and black nose, who comes from a European line of multi champions. Her sire is from Europe, and her grandsire (“Boy”) was the top ridgeback in Europe a few years ago. She is a petite girl, barely making breed standards, but I love the speed and athleticism she has. She is incredibly independent, sharp, spunky, outgoing, athletic and sophisticated, but also very stubborn. She is a coursing champ, earning a 3-point major and Best of Breed title in her very first run, and she was introduced to the show world early on, but turned out to be too little to succeed there; now she spends her retirement days helping junior show handlers learn the ropes.
She’s had the following testing performed:
-Degenerative myelopathy (DM) – not a carrier
-Hemophilia B (Rhodesian Ridgeback type) – clear
-Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy (Rhodesian Ridgeback type) – clear
-Canine brucellosis, Brucella canis (B. canis)
-OFA hips, elbows, thyroid, patella and cardiac
Her parents are OFA cleared.

Skye (in pink) running in her first lure coursing competition, where she earned a 3-point major and Best of Breed!
PRICING: My puppies are well bred, and therefore not cheap. I do not haggle on prices; I do not compromise my ethics to compete with the economy. Please do not begin the application process if you’re looking for a cheap dog quickly–I do not want to waste your time or mine. I’ve invested thousands of dollars and thousands of hours into my breeding program and health testing, and that is how I determine the price of my dogs.